About Us

Who you are as a Brand?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque non nulla bibendum, semper dolor sed, malesuada sem. Fusce sit amet nibh quis lacus commodo interdum ut at arcu. In augue velit, varius venenatis bibendum ac, dapibus vel dolor. Sed vel urna mi. Nunc vitae neque vitae velit vestibulum venenatis. Praesent id tincidunt lorem, rutrum aliquam est. Quisque scelerisque sem at metus auctor, quis fermentum massa elementum.

What are you about/selling?

I am lucky enough to have a beautiful studio in the heart of Edinburgh. My studio is in a large building with over 50 artists. This has been a real advantage to my practice as I work in an enriching environment with painters, weavers, jewellers, printmakers as well as other ceramicists. This has fed my creativity and given me the confidence to incorporate other disciplines like printmaking and sculpture into my work. I dont do detailed drawings, preferring to scribble initial ideas into my sketchbook but finalising my designs in clay. Im not a morning person and love nothing better than settling down in my studio, with Radio 4 playing in the background, and working late into the evening

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Why are you selling? (Mission)

My work changed dramatically about 15 years ago. I used to make very richly decorated lustrous caskets inspired by Medieval reliquaries, but one day almost overnight I realised I had reached the end of the road with that work. I had had enough of colour and just stopped. I packed away all my glazes and lustres, ordered some samples of porcelain clay and started afresh. In hindsight it seems a rash thing to do but I have never regretted it.

Where do you want to reach? (Vision)

Pellentesque ultricies nulla non sem congue, ac vestibulum urna laoreet. Nullam pharetra laoreet tortor. In vel dolor sodales, tempor ante quis, semper tortor. Donec pretium sodales lectus, in suscipit odio consequat eget. Vestibulum vitae porttitor lorem, vel molestie tortor. Integer molestie nunc lectus, ac volutpat quam faucibus nec.

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